13e Ciel

artist book - 2023

13e Ciel, a self-published artist book by Albanian photographer Mariana Kostandini, was released in September 2023. It is a visual exploration that unravels the ever-changing urban landscape of Paris' 13th district through the lens of architectural photography. All pictures were captured between 2014 and 2022 from the artist's apartment, located on the top floor of a recent building on Château des Rentiers Street, offering a full view of Tolbiac square, avenue de France, the National French Library (BNF) or Jean Nouvel's Tours Duo.

What initially started as a personal pleasure soon transformed into a mission to chronicle the metamorphosis of this dynamic area, notably active in terms of new architectural projects. 13e Ciel offers an intimate glimpse into the changing soul of a city through a minimalist yet poetic approach; a testament to the beauty that can be found in the midst of transformation and a celebration of the artistry inherent in architecture. The luminous and evocative poems by artist-philosopher Marina Seretti bring a harmonious touch to this visual journey.

The book was designed by artist Endri Dani and his Kavalo Studio in Tirana and was printed in 300 copies in Albania.

12 cm x 18 cm . 60 pages

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The French Urban Magazine Sur-Mesure speaks about 13e Ciel

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